The CNCE asbl (Cercle Nautique de la Commission Européenne asbl / Sailing Club of the EU Institutions in Brussels) is based on the voluntary work and commitment of its members.

The key governing and decision making body of the CNCE is the General Assembly (GA) of its members. The annual meeting of the GA takes place once a year, preferably in late February. The club has currently 23 effective members (Alfonso Arpaia, Heinrich Bultmann, Dimitri Chronopoulos, Massimo Farrugia, Daniel Gilliaert, Volker Gundermann, Timo Hallantie, Albert Horváth, Regina Huber, Nicolas Jonckers, Luca Lixi, Gordon Modro, Carlos Morais, Ken Patterson, Alessandra Pertot, Andreas Roever, Kristiana Rume, Jurgita Skritaite, Cetin Tarlan, Adrián Tokár, Stamatis Varsamos, Josef Wolf, Nathalie Zweig), 3 honorary members (Roberto Schiliro, Cetin Tarlan, Stamatis Varsamos) and around 200 associate members.

The Executive Board (EB) of the CNCE implements the decisions of the GA and manages the current business of the Club. It is composed of eight administrators, all elected by the GA with a mandate of three years. The current EB was elected in February 2023 and is composed as follows:

  • Alfonso Arpaia, President (Commodore)
  • Heinrich Bultmann, Vice-President
  • Volker Gundermann, Administrator
  • Marcos Mezo, Administrator (co-opted Board member)
  • Carlos Morais, Secretary
  • Kristiana Rume, Administrator (co-opted Board member)
  • Cetin Tarlan, Treasurer
  • Nathalie Zweig, Administrator​

The BlueOne Management Committee (BMC) coordinates the sailing activities, maintenance and management of any issue related to BlueOne, the cruiser-racer of the Club. The BMC oversees and updates the BlueOne inventory list and makes proposals to the EB to ensure that the boat remains in the best possible condition to guarantee the safety of the crew and the equipment on board. The members of the BMC are appointed by the EB. The BMC consists of the following members:

  • Alfonso Arpaia
  • Dimitri Chronopoulos
  • Massimo Farrugia
  • Timo Hallantie
  • Luca Lixi
  • Gordon Modro
  • Boris Šlogar
  • Cetin Tarlan
  • Josef Wolf
  • Nathalie Zweig​

The activities of BlueOne are divided into "Cruising" and "Racing". The plan also provides for a Skippers' Council (SC): an advisory body formed to offer advice to the EB on matters related to the activities and projects of the club (technology, theory and practical courses, skipper training, maintenance, teaching, sailing programme, safety, new projects etc.).

Other ad hoc groups are set up for a limited period of time according to the needs of the club to carry out specific tasks or projects.

If you wish to join forces and help us to set up and/or carry out any CNCE projects, please come forward: we-want-you!

Contact Us

For all enquiries, questions, remarks, suggestions and contributions to the CNCE, please contact our Secretariat.