

Flying on a mast or stuck on a wall, this 30x45cm CNCE burgee/guidon will show that you're a proud member of our beloved club.

Log on to Twizzit to get one now, for just 10 €!


In association with Boreal Yachting, CNCE proposes a one-week cruise in the Svalbard area (also known as Spitsbergen). The activity will take place on an OVNI 455 yacht chartered for CNCE and will include sailing, wildlife watching and trekking.

At this time there will be 24h daylight. Average temperatures are around 3-7°C and winds in the high Arctic in summer are generally light to moderate easterlies.

The arctic sailing season is short and there is very high demand. An early booking is essential and now is not too soon.

This activity is fully booked.


RYA / ISAF Offshore Safety & Survival course – 21-22 October

Organised with the Belgian Sailing Team and RYA coach and examiner Eddy Coenen (Nautinstruct), this course will award you the highest RYA safety certificate, necessary for ISAF offshore races.  Learn all about liferafts and lifejackets, techniques and medical aspects of sea survival, search and rescue, heavy weather seamanship, firefighting and prevention, MOB recovery, etc.

Join us on 21-22 October in Brussels (theory) and Alost (practice in swimming pool). For more information and inscriptions, send a message to info@sailcnce.eu.



CNCE monthly Nav'lunch

CNCE organizes a monthly lunch, where sailors can meet in the heart of the European quarter to talk about their sailing plans and stories.
The next will happen on Tuesday 3 October from 12h30 at the Spicy Grill restaurant, rue Stevin 120.
To join us, please send a message by Monday 2 October 13h00 to Kenneth Patterson commodore@sailcnce.eu.


L’ADEPS souhaite récolter et comprendre les incitants et les barrières à la pratique sportive des femmes afin de promouvoir le sport féminin de manière plus adéquate.

En effet, les inégalités de genre dans la pratique sportive demeurent marquées à tous les âges de la vie. Si des évolutions apparaissent et tendent vers un meilleur équilibre, il reste encore des progrès à accomplir.

#Plus Sportives

L'enquête est accessible jusqu’au 30 septembre 2023 (date prévue de clôture) et destiné au public féminin.


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