
The maritimely decorated restaurant at the Brussels Royal Yacht Club was the setting for thefirst meeting of the newly elected CNCE Executive Board on 16th of March. The main pointson the agenda were the election of the President and other posts, and the attribution of tasks. The eight board members, three of whom had sat already on the previous board and five arenewcomers, discussed the tasks ahead for the coming sailing season. The posts and tasks wereattributed as follows:

Ken Patterson, President

Nicolas Jonckers, Vice-President

Cetin Tarlan, Treasurer

Carlos Morais, Secretary

Volker Gundermann, Nathalie Zweig, Alfonso Arpaia, and Heinrich Bultmann will take care of Twizzit management, communication, coordination, and helping in keeping the accounts.

As spring is round the corner, setting up a promising sailing programme is our first priority!